46 research outputs found

    Distritos térmicos urbanos e industriales. Sector emergente de servicios profesionales

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    La búsqueda del uso racional y eficiente de la energía, considerándose ésta como el empleo óptimo de la energía en cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena energética, ha propiciado la aparición del concepto de Distrito Térmico (Distric Heating), donde la integración de fuentes de calor en una zona geográfica determinada posibilita que el conjunto produzca unos niveles significativamente inferiores de emisiones con efecto invernadero y otros gases, en comparación con la generación de calor de forma individual [1]. es más fácil asegurar que los objetivos de emisiones se cumplen con unos pocos de productores grandes que con muchos productores pequeños. esto es debido a que las propias centrales de los Distritos Térmicos posibilitan el aprovechamiento de las economías de escala, el uso de equipos industriales y una mejor tecnología para la mejora de la eficiencia y control de la contaminación

    State of the Industry 4.0 in the Andalusian food sector

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    The food industry is a key issue in the economic structure of Andalusia, due to both the weight and position of this industry in the economy and its advantages and potentials. The term Industry 4.0 carries many meanings. It seeks to describe the intelligent factory, with all the processes interconnected by Internet of things (IOT). Early advances in this field have involved the incorporation of greater flexibility and individualization of the manufacturing processes. The implementation of the framework proposed by Industry 4.0. is a need for the industry in general, and for Andalusian food industry in particular, and should be seen as a great opportunity of progress for the sector. It is expected that, along with others, the food and beverage industry will be pioneer in the adoption of flexible and individualized manufacturing processes. This work constitutes the state of the art, through bibliographic review, of the application of the proposed paradigm by the Industry 4.0. to the food industry.Telefónica, through the “Cátedra de Telefónica Inteligencia en la Red”Paloma Luna Garrid

    La triple E en la sostenibilidad como marco paradigmático del pensamiento en red del género femenino

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    Siendo la sostenibilidad un concepto que actualmente se ha visto en crecimiento y desarrollo en todos los sectores de investigación y desarrollo, se parte del análisis de los sistemas actuales de representación de ésta para desembocar en la creación de un nuevo sistema en el que se enfatice en los aspectos del pensamiento red característicos del género femenino. La red la formarán como nodos principales las tres dimensiones que constituyen la triple E y que, en su combinación y fractalización de cada una de ellas, darán como resultado a las redes de conceptos y mejoras básicas para el desarrollo del nuevo modelo sostenible bottom-up femenino, es decir, que nazca de lo más básico de la sociedad para crecer hacia el proceso de diseño y desarrollo desembocando en un producto, prestación o servicio

    ADAPTS: An Intelligent Sustainable Conceptual Framework for Engineering Projects

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework for the optimization of environmental sustainability in engineering projects, both for products and industrial facilities or processes. The main objective of this work is to propose a conceptual framework to help researchers to approach optimization under the criteria of sustainability of engineering projects, making use of current Machine Learning techniques. For the development of this conceptual framework, a bibliographic search has been carried out on the Web of Science. From the selected documents and through a hermeneutic procedure the texts have been analyzed and the conceptual framework has been carried out. A graphic representation pyramid shape is shown to clearly define the variables of the proposed conceptual framework and their relationships. The conceptual framework consists of 5 dimensions; its acronym is ADAPTS. In the base are: (1) the Application to which it is intended, (2) the available DAta, (3) the APproach under which it is operated, and (4) the machine learning Tool used. At the top of the pyramid, (5) the necessary Sensing. A study case is proposed to show its applicability. This work is part of a broader line of research, in terms of optimization under sustainability criteria.Telefónica Chair “Intelligence in Networks” of the University of Seville (Spain

    Aspects of sustainability and design engineering for the production of interconnected smart food packaging

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    In the present work, the problem of food wastage and the concept of sustainability are studied. An analysis of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool and of the innovative concept of Cradle to Cradle is also carried out, together with an exhaustive comparison of these two approaches. Based on these concepts, an integrated methodology is proposed for the design of interconnected smart products. The smart packaging systems currently available are studied theoretically and a practical case is analysed using the proposed methodology through the design and Life Cycle Assessment of a smart interconnected container that is able to detect the ethylene emitted by climacteric fruit, thereby minimizing food wastage. For the case under study, a major impact is observed of the selected plastics in the resources category, and of the smart system in the human health category

    Total Design in the Design and Development Process of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) with Particular Consideration of Sensorization

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    This paper provides a methodological proposal for the design and development process of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The design core and product design specifications (PDS) of Pugh’s Total Design model are considered, with a focus on the early stages of the product design and development process. A modularization of the functional groups of an ROV is proposed, focusing attention on the sensor system. The main concepts regarding ROVs are presented, Pugh’s Total Design model is explained, justifying the application interest in technological projects, a methodological proposal adapted to ROV projects is provided, based on Pugh’s Total Design model, with special interest in the early stages of the new product development process (NPD), the suitability of applying our own model of industrial design engineering in an ROV system is analyzed, and the contribution of this study is evaluated, proposing future work and lines of research

    Analysis of the evolution of the sharing economy towards sustainability. Trends and transformations of the concept

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    The Sharing Economy has been emerged in recent years as a trend with high growth potential by showing itself to be an innovative model for creating products, services and relationships based on sustainable consumption. The Sharing Economy has emerged as a multidimensional and multidisciplinary concept, which initially only covered areas of the economy and social sciences and which later experienced growth in business, urban planning, tourism, information technology and digital science (industry 4.0) or engineering. This has transformed its development from an economic opportunity to a form of decentralised, equitable and sustainable economy with the creation of new initiatives and companies that have reduced environmental impact by decreasing the use of natural resources. The present study aims to evaluate the evolution of the discourse and the way research has progressed in this incipient sphere of collaborative consumption up to the present day by means of an in-depth analysis of scientific production through bibliometrics and network analysis techniques with the VOSviewer© software and the complete database of publications obtained from the Web Of Science (2152 publications). It also includes the detailed examination of the most relevant bibliographic reviews on Sharing Economics, as well as the main publications on bibliometric analysis. The article evaluates key words, sources, authors, citations, organizations, categories, and countries using various bibliometric techniques. Finally, in the results 5 clusters of thematic categories are obtained where a change in the trend of publications towards the field of clean and green technology is reflected, forming in recent years an agglutinating nucleus of all the disciplines in which “sustainability” acts as the backbone of scientific production. This is a positive development in cleaner production, where institutions and authors from the USA and Europe have risen to the top of the ranking of publications and impact. At a global level, the current commitment to research for the development of accessible, equitable and sustainable products and services is reflected.Premio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Escuela Politécnica Superio

    Mainstreaming sustainability and LCA in product data under standard ISO 10303 and PLM

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    El incremento de complejidad tecnológica junto a la incorporación de la sostenibilidad a los procesos de diseño y desarrollo de productos que aparece en un gran número de industrias altamente competitivas, exige la introducción de un conjunto de técnicas de diseño y fabricación basado en el uso intensivo de la tecnología informática, así como la utilización de métodos sistemáticos de captura, elaboración y transmisión de la información referida al producto / proceso. Estos métodos siguen unos estándares de transferencia de datos a través de la ISO 10303 y sus protocolos de aplicación en cada sector. Es por ello, que deviene una necesidad de integrar la información proveniente de los estudios de sostenibilidad y ACV en dichos estándares así como la repercusión en los protocolos de aplicación (APs) y su gestión en el PLM de la empresa.The increasing technological complexity and the incorporation of sustainability to the processes of design and development of products appearing on a large number of highly competitive industries, requires the introduction of a set of design and manufacturing techniques based on intensive use of computer technology, as well as the use of systematic methods of harvesting, processing and transmission of information relating to product / process. These methods follow standards of data transfer through ISO 10303 protocols and their implementation in each sector. That is why, it becomes a necessity to integrate information from studies of sustainability and LCA in these standards as well as the impact on application protocols (APs) and their management in the PLM company

    Kansei evaluation of varios means of transportation by students of the Polytechnic School (University of Seville)

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    The management of cities is a major challenge for mankind. Kansei Engineering tries to relate the feelings and impressions of future users to the characteristics of products. In this paper, a questionnaire developed in the context of Kansei Engineering for the evaluation of various means of transportation is presented and validated. The questionnaire is applied to a sample of students of the Polytechnic School of the University of Seville. The results of the survey, given to 131 students of the Polytechnic School of the University of Seville, provide information about the students' preferences for the 7 means of transport analyzed. Among the most valued means of transport are the electric car and walking. At the other extreme are the collective means of transport. The principal component analysis allows the grouping of constructs and the validation of the analyzed questionnaire. Among the limitations of the work is the origin of the sample; in future works we intend to use a larger sample.La gestión de las ciudades constituye un reto de primer nivel para la humanidad. La Ingeniería Kansei trata de relacionar los sentimientos e impresiones de los futuros usuarios con las características de los productos. En este trabajo, se presenta y valida un cuestionario desarrollado en el contexto de la ingeniería kansei para la evaluación de diversos medios de transporte. El cuestionario es aplicado en una muestra de estudiantes de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Sevilla. Los resultados de la encuesta suministrada a 131 estudiantes de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Sevilla permiten conocer las preferencias de los estudiantes ante los 7 medios de transportes analizados. Entre los medios de transporte más valorados se encuentran el coche eléctrico y el transporte a pie. En el otro extremo los medios de transporte colectivos. El análisis de componentes principales permite la agrupación de constructos y la validación del cuestionario analizado. Entre las limitaciones del trabajo se encuentra la procedencia de la muestra, en futuros trabajos se pretende utilizar una muestra más amplia

    State of the art of Kansei engineering for projection in industry 4.0

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    La ingeniería Kansei es una herramienta metodológica cuantitativa enfocada al diseño y desarrollo de productos industriales placenteros y emocionalmente aceptados por el usuario. Esta metodología tiene como principal objetivo apoyar a los ingenieros diseñadores a incorporar la emoción, afecto y sentimientos como requerimiento en los productos. Partiendo de las aplicaciones actuales de la Ingeniería Kansei se procederá a realizar un estado del arte de la técnica con el objetivo de proyectar la Ingeniería Kansei al diseño y desarrollo de entornos industriales. Se presentará una propuesta metodológica enfocada a robustecer el concepto de ergonomía y de factor humano en los entornos de trabajo, apoyando así el programa de investigación Industria 4.0 enmarcado en los enfoques del horizonte 2020, donde el factor humano se presenta como fundamental. El objetivo de la Ingeniería Kansei en la Industria 4.0 será dar soporte al diseño centrado en el factor humano, elicitando sentimientos placenteros en los entornos de trabajo, proporcionando motivación y confort. Con ello se desarrollarán “Ergo-Team Work” para diseñar entornos compatibles entre el humano y la máquina, concibiendo desde la perspectiva kansei tanto las estaciones de trabajo como la organización.Kansei Engineering is a quantitative methodological tool focused on design and development of industrial products emotionally pleasing accepted for the users. Methodology's main objective is to support design engineers to incorporate emotion, affection and feelings as a requirement on products. Starting from the current applications of Kansei Engineering we will proceed with a state of the art technology in order to project the Kansei Engineering to the design and development of industrial environments. The proposed methodology is focused on supporting the concept of ergonomics and human factors in work environments, thus supporting the research program Industry 4.0, framed in Horizon 2020, where the human factor is presented as fundamental. The aim of the Kansei Engineering in Industry 4.0 will be supporting the human-centered design factor, eliciting pleasurable feelings in work environments, providing motivation and comfort. This "Ergo-Team Work" will be developed to design environments that support the interaction between human and machine; workstations and work organization designed from kansei perspective